"There’s nothing better than seeing a patient walk out of the clinic with a smile on their face because of something I’ve done."
Meet Lauren to learn about her important role as an orthotist.

Why did you decide to become an orthotist?
I didn’t want to be a doctor or nurse, but I wanted to do something in healthcare so I researched all the possible options. As soon as I learned about prosthetics and orthotics, I knew it was the job for me. It’s people centred - you really get to know your patients - but it also requires a sound knowledge of biomechanics and problem solving skills.
The degree course has a nice mix of practical learning, lectures and placements. After university, I chose to specialise in orthotics.
What’s your day-to-day like?
I work with a small team and run general clinics, as well as a specialist clinic in paediatrics. As a team, we also visit the specialist schools in our area and take part in a clinic with other healthcare professionals for patients with diabetes.
I might start the day seeing a young child with cerebral palsy. Once I’ve assessed their muscle power and range of movement, I take a plaster mould of the leg set at the correct angle to maximise their walking potential. At that point, an orthosis or brace can be designed to help support the foot and ankle.
The next patient might be an elderly gentleman with a partial foot amputation and I’ll assess how the support inside his footwear is working.
I also work on the inpatient wards with stroke physiotherapists or orthopaedic surgeons to get people safely moving and out of bed, or to protect them from pressure ulcers.