Applications and interviews
Whether you're applying for a job or a course at college or university, it's likely you will need to complete an application form and you may also may be invited for an interview.
Individual information is presented on application forms in a standard way so that everyone can be considered on the same basis, and interviews confirm that you have the necessary attitude, motivation and ability for the job or course.
Application forms
Make sure you:
- follow the instructions carefully
- provide all the information the questions ask for
- give specific examples of things you have done, particularly if you are asked to show how you meet the selection criteria; your application is likely to be scored according to how closely you meet the selection criteria.
- take the opportunity to show your understanding of the NHS values or the values of the organisation you are applying to and how you would apply them in your everyday work
- work within any white space available for each section and don't miss any sections out
- make a practice copy first that you're happy with before you complete the actual application form, either on line or hard copy
Most forms give you the opportunity to say something about yourself and why you're applying so use this wisely. The thinking you've done in terms of your career planning so far can help you complete this section.
If you're aged 16 to 30
The King’s Trust works with the NHS to help 16-30 year-olds improve their employability skills. Register with them today to receive support.
An interview is your chance to give a good account of yourself!
Preparation is key and you will increase your chances if you:
- check out in advance where the interview will be held, work out how to get there and arrive with plenty of time to spare. Remember that hospitals and universities can be large and busy places: you need to know exactly where you need to be for your interview
- remember the interview panel is on your side. You have been invited to the interview because they liked your application form and want to know more about you
- listen carefully to the questions they ask, and answer them as clearly as you can
- be prepared to demonstrate your understanding of the NHS values or values of the employing organisation and how you would apply them in your everyday work
- don't rush. Think about your answers. If there's something in the question you don't understand, ask for clarification
- think in advance about any questions you might have for the panel and take the opportunity to ask them at the end