About us
NHS Health Careers aims to inspire, inform and encourage people to take action to join one of the more than 350 careers available in the nation's health service.
We’re part of NHS England and our aim is to support people in education and at all stages of their career to discover more about the roles available, and how to get in and get on.
The NHS Health Careers team:
- provide this comprehensive website that has detailed information about a huge range of health roles
- run a contact centre where people can talk to or email an adviser to find out about different health careers. Get in touch!
- provide the Step into the NHS service specifically for young people to encourage them to consider a career in health
- publish a range of printed materials for use at careers and other events
- attend big national careers events to promote health careers
- produce a number of videos to show what it’s like to work in different jobs
- provide timely updates through Twitter and Facebook
The NHS Health Careers website
We’re constantly working with experts in the field and our stakeholders to update and add new content, improve the site and respond to users’ feedback.
Have a look around the website and click on "Make a comment or report a problem with this page" to let us know what you think.
Not a recruitment site
It’s important to note that this website sets out information about what it’s like to work in different health roles but isn’t a recruitment website. Many of our role pages will have links to vacancies but you need to apply on NHS Jobs.
If you’re looking for a job or apprenticeship see the information on our Looking for a job page and follow the links for more information.
Our Explore roles pages also have links to websites that advertise vacancies. The NHS Jobs website has lots of advice and tips on how to make your job applications a success.
About section
The Working in health section has lots of useful information about what it’s like to work in a health role, whether that’s in the NHS, a local authority, national Government, voluntary or community sectors.
It also has up-to-date information about pay for all health staff, wherever they’re based.
Explore roles
Did you know there are approximately 350 roles available in health? Split into 14 categories, our Explore roles pages cover everything from paramedic, doctor, nurse and healthcare scientist, to porter, medical secretary, health trainer, driver, pharmacy assistant and gardener!
Each set of role pages describe:
- what the role involves
- the training required, if any
- where the role could lead
We also have hundreds of real-life stories from people doing the roles we describe.
Compare roles
Once you’re in Explore roles, you can use our compare roles button to see a snapshot of information about up to three roles to help you choose which one might suit you.
Unsure which careers might suit you?
If you are interested in working in the health sector but aren't sure which careers might suit you, why not use our Find your career in health quiz to generate some suggestions?
We ask you 50 questions and then suggest some roles in the health sector that might suit you, based on your answers. You can further tailor the suggestions by answering a further 55 questions. You'll need to be registered with the website to be able to access the second set of questions - so you might want to register for an account, then log in before taking the quiz.
Careers information
Visit our career planning pages for information to help you think about where you are now and where you want your career to go. This section is the one to visit whether you’re still at school, thinking about getting a job or apprenticeship in health, considering going to university, needing support during your studies, currently working in health, looking to return to a clinical career in the health sector or don’t have a health-related degree but would like to get into a health career.