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  1. High intensity therapist

    High intensity therapists equip people with the tools and techniques they need to overcome complex problems related to anxiety and depression.  

    You’ll need to secure a post as a trainee high intensity therapist in order to undertake training on a high intensity CBT course. The course lasts 12 months, leading to a post graduate diploma. To apply for a trainee post, you’ll need a registered qualification in one of the following areas - nursing, clinical psychology, social work or occupational therapy. It is also possible to train as a high intensity therapist without one these qualifications but you’ll need to demonstrate your competency through a portfolio of evidence.
    Most jobs in the NHS are covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales. Trainees are appointed at band 6 or band 7, depending on their current psychological therapy expertise. High intensity therapists in the NHS will usually work standard hours of 37.5 per week. Terms and conditions can vary for employers outside of the NHS.
    Good communication skills are essential to convey CBT and other psychological formulations, with sensitivity in easily understood language. If you're applying for a role either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services, you'll be asked to show how you think the values of the NHS Constitution apply in your everyday work. The same will be true if you are applying for a university course funded by the NHS.
    Once you have qualified as a high intensity therapist, there are a wide range of opportunities. You could apply for more senior positions or contribute to the development of the profession through research work and teaching.
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