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  1. Adult psychotherapist

    Adult psychotherapists work with adults to assess and treat a range of emotional, social or mental health issues.  

    You’ll need an undergraduate degree in a relevant subject and/or be a qualified and experienced healthcare practitioner. Training usually takes four years, combining study with clinical training. Clinical training includes treating individual patients under supervision.
    Most jobs in the NHS are covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales. While training, you'll typically be paid at band 6. After completing your training, you'll be paid at band 7. Adult psychotherapists work full or part time. Terms and conditions can vary for employers outside of the NHS.
    You’ll need a range of skills including a keen awareness of people and their behaviour, the ability to relate to a wide range of people and excellent communication skills. If you're applying for a role either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services, you'll be asked to show how you think the values of the NHS Constitution apply in your everyday work.
    As your professional experience and knowledge grows, you can move into more senior positions. There are opportunities to be involved in research and training people to become psychotherapists. As well as moving to more senior and specialised roles, you may also have the chance to take on additional responsibilities and progress within the organisation.
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