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  1. CBT therapist

    Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) therapists are trained to assess and support children and young people or adults with common mental health or severe mental health problems.

    You will normally need a degree to undertake the necessary postgraduate diploma to become a CBT therapist, but you may also be able to access the training if you can demonstrate equivalent academic skills. Your diploma course will differ, depending on whether you want to work in an NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression service, with adults with several mental health problems or with children and young people.
    Trainee CBT therapists are appointed on Agenda for Change Band 6 and can work full time or part time during training (usually a minimum of 22.5 hours per week). Once qualified, you could progress within band 6 or to band 7.
    Cognitive behavioural therapy training courses are aimed at mental health professionals (or those with the equivalent knowledge, skills and attitudes) who have had some experience in a mental health environment. You'll need to demonstrate evidence of interpersonal skills and an openness to learning new knowledge and skills.
    You could specialise in conditions such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, eating disorders or personality disorder. You may also have opportunities to progress into more senior roles, where you may supervise other therapists or manage aspects of a service. After working in the role for a minimum of two years, you may have the opportunity to complete further funded psychological professional training.
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