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  1. Public health consultants and specialists

    Public health specialists and consultants help people and communities maximise their potential for a healthy, happy and productive life, so they can live healthier for longer. 

    The main entry route is to complete specialty training in public health. You’ll usually need a medical degree, an undergraduate degree with a 2:1 grade or higher, or a Master’s degree or PhD. Eligibility criteria are updated annually and can be found on Health Education England's specialty recruitment website. Training typically takes five years which usually includes one year on an academic course, and two years in specialty training posts.
    Hours of work are usually 37.5 per week, although you may also be asked to attend evening meetings or events. As a specialist working at consultant level in the NHS, your salary will be between £84,559 and £114,003. If you choose specialty training as a route to consultant level, you can expect to earn a salary of at least £39,467 during your training.
    You'll be flexible to cope with multiple and changing demands, meet tight deadlines and have a high level of intellectual skill. You'll have political awareness as well as an ability be tactful and diplomatic and be able to advise, challenge, advocate and influence. You'll be able to understand other cultures and work across organisational boundaries.
    You could specialise or conduct research in areas such as dental public health, infectious diseases and hazards (epidemiology) or health improvement, teach public health students or postgraduate students in training or progress to a strategic or leadership position.
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