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  1. Public health manager

    Public health managers make a vital contribution to supporting the health of the public.

    There are a variety of training and qualifications requirements that may be required to work as a public health manager. It’s important therefore to check the person specification of the individual employer for detailed requirements. Common qualifications include a degree in a relevant subject and project management skills or qualifications. Its also usual that applicants will bring significant experience from previous roles.
    Your working hours are likely to vary depending on the employer and the nature of the work. For example, working hours may generally be from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday but there may be variations to this which are determined by the individual employer (such as for evening meetings, events or particular projects).
    You'll be a competent and capable manager bringing a range of well developed managerial skills to your work such as organisation, planning, financial and people management. It's likely you'll need to make challenging decisions and to ensure best use of available resources.
    Public health managers may progress to more senior management roles depending on their experience and interests. They may also wish to apply for public health specialist roles and undertake specialty training in public health.
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