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  1. Dietetic assistant

    Dietetic assistants are vital in helping people with their diet and nutrition. They help people by advising them on how their food choices can lead to more fulfilling and healthier lives. 

    You will receive appropriate training in order to do the job. You may also be offered the chance to study for qualifications such as the NCFE CACHE level 2 Certificate in Healthcare Support Services or the NCFE CACHE level 3 Diploma in Healthcare Support.
    Most dietetic assistants in the NHS work standard hours, which are likely to be around 37.5 a week. They may work some evenings or weekends. They will usually be on bands 2-4 of the Agenda for Change pay scales, depending on their role and level of responsibility.
    To work as a dietetic assistant, you'll need an interest in science and food, an interest in people and their lifestyles, a positive and motivating attitude, an understanding approach, patience, to be able to explain complex things simply, good organisational and communication skills.
    You may be able to train as an assistant practitioner or if you have the academic ability for university study, you could train as a dietitian.
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