Membership exams
This page gives details of the Royal Colleges and other colleges and faculties that require you to pass membership exams in order to complete specialty training.
In order to complete specialty training you will need, in some cases, to pass relevant membership exams. These are widely regarded as challenging, and some candidates may need to sit exams more than once to be successful. You must also be aware of the demands of combining a full-time job with the level of study required to pass these exams.
Membership exams are offered by the following Royal Colleges, colleges and faculties responsible for groups of specialties. You are required to pass membership exams to gain the qualifications indicated below.
- anaesthetics (FRCA)
- emergency medicine (MCEM)
- general practitioners (nMRCGP)
- obstetrics and gynaecology (MRCOG)
- occupational medicine (MFOM)
- ophthalmology (MRCOphth)
- paediatrics and child health (MRCPCH)
- pathologists (FRCPath)
- physicians (MRCP)
- psychiatry (MRCPsych)
- public health (MFPH)
- radiology (FRCR)
- surgeons (MRCS)
(M = member, F = Fellow, n = new)