Real-life story - Tara Brierley

Tara knew she wanted to become a podiatrist. She joined an NHS podiatry clinic as a clerical officer and has picked up plenty of knowledge about the specialty. 

Tara Brierley

Clerical officer, podiatry outpatient clinic

Employer or university
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust
Salary range

I’ve learned so much about podiatry in the short time I’ve been here and I’m lucky my employer is so supportive of my plans for the future.

  • I was thinking about training as a podiatrist when I saw the ad for this job. It sounded perfect. I make appointments, type letters, get the patients’ notes ready and answer phone queries. I’ve got to know all the regular patients.

  • I’ve learned so much about podiatry in the short time I’ve been here and I’m lucky my employer is so supportive of my plans for the future.

  • When I left college, I knew I wanted to do something in the health and social care area and ended up taking a job as a care assistant in a residential home looking after elderly people. I enjoyed that for three years but the job did not offer the career prospects I needed and, with a mortgage, I knew I needed to look elsewhere.

    I want to carry on working for the trust and study podiatry part time at university, all the podiatrists here are really encouraging. Everyone seems to want to do all they can to help me. They’re now arranging for me to accompany them as they work to help me increase my understanding of what’s involved. I’m hoping that will give me a bit of an advantage when I apply to university.


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