Career advisers and teachers
You’ll find a range of careers teaching resources, tools and tips across the website to help you offer advice and guidance.
In this section, you'll find resources and competitions to support careers education and help schools meet the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers provision and the Department for Education's careers strategy.
Step into the NHS resources and competitions
You will find a wide range of exciting teaching resources and lesson plans, designed to help you inspire young people about NHS careers from key stage 2 (KS2) to key stage 4 (KS4):
- KS2 - pupils in years 3-6 can enter the national primary schools' competition, with teaching resources available and designed to raise aspirations and challenge gender stereotyping.
- KS3 - students in years 7-9 can enter the national secondary schools' competition, which is accompanied by resources that aim to raise their awareness of the range of careers in the NHS and support the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- KS4 - prepare your students in years 10-11 for the world of work with this flexible suite of resources, activities and supporting materials. They can be delivered as part of work in citizenship, PSHE, English, drama, careers education and health and social care lessons.
There are many other resources to help you in delivering careers information, education, advice and guidance to your students and clients including:
- a guide for teachers and careers advisors about work experience in the NHS
- our careers quiz, which matches your skills and interests to suitable health roles
- the explore roles section which gives a detailed overview of more than 350 health roles
- a compare roles tool to get bite-sized information on up to three roles in health
- our course finder which lists undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to clinical careers in health

Careers literature
You can also order a range of inspirational postcards from us for free. There is also a range of downloadable resources and a registration form where students can sign up to receive careers information and advice via email.
Your local NHS
As well as the information we provide here, practical help and resources are often available through your local NHS organisations. Each trust has its own policies and ways of working, but it may be able to:
- organise periods of work experience for students, linked to curriculum and school timetables
- identify volunteering opportunities where students can acquire some experience of the work that interests them
- arrange for members of their staff to come into your school and talk about the work they do
- stage open days for students
- run ‘preparation for’ programmes across a range of work areas such as medicine, nursing, healthcare sciences and administration
- provide information on the kinds of local jobs currently available for school leavers
These experiences can be of real value as students decide what kind of career they may want to pursue. To find your local health organisation, visit the
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