Specialty explorer

Get help with making an informed decision about your specialty 

Specialty explorer is a tool for British Medical Association members that supports your research into medical specialties and provides you with a personalised report. It's quick, easy to use and covers all specialties in the UK. 

Reflect on what matters to you most through a series of questions. Your personalised report will detail 10 specialties that match your preferences prompting you to think about specialties you may not otherwise have considered. You’ll also receive details about where to find further support, so you can focus your research. 

Find out more about specialty explorer

NB. Specialty explorer is not designed to be used in isolation. The BMA encourages you to seek further career support when choosing your specialty. The tool is intended to be used in combination with other sources of career advice, such as: clinicians, postgraduate deaneries, royal colleges, BMA resources and other sources such as NHS Health Careers.  

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