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  1. Decontamination services management

    By making sure that medical devices are sterilised, our decontamination services managers are making sure that our patients are protected from infection and contracting viruses. 

    Experience to level 3 vocational training through decontamination training and qualified to IDSc Technical Certificate for entry as a decontamination technician supervisor (training includes working towards the Foundation Degree in Decontamination Sciences); postgraduate degree or equivalent level of knowledge through academic courses to postgraduate level required for decontamination managers (training includes working towards the BSc (Hons) Decontamination Sciences for junior managerial roles)
    Staff in the NHS will usually work a standard 37.5 hours per week. They may work a shift pattern. Most jobs in the NHS are covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales. This pay system covers all staff except doctors, dentists and the most senior managers. As a supervisor in decontamination sciences, you would typically start on AfC band 3, with opportunities to progress with appropriate training, qualifications and experience to bands AfC 5 - 8. Terms and conditions of service can vary for employers outside the NHS.
    Ability to work to high standards of quality and safety under pressure, flexibility, professional manner, initiative , logical thinking to help troubleshooting , ability to motivate others, enthusiasm, excellent communication skills, report writing and interpretation, positive outlook, able to deal with complaints from staff and patients.
    With further training and/or experience, you may be able to develop your career further and apply for vacancies in areas such as further specialisation, management, research, or teaching.
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