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  1. Health psychologist

    Health psychologists use their skills and knowledge of psychology to promote wellbeing and healthy behaviours across the population. 

    You’ll need an honours degree in psychology to become a member of the Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society which allows you to apply for postgraduate courses in clinical psychology.
    Most jobs in the NHS are covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales. After completing their training, health psychologists will be paid at band 7. Psychologists in the NHS can work full or part time. Terms and conditions can vary for employers outside of the NHS.
    On a daily basis you will use a broad range of skills, including a thorough knowledge of psychological theory and practice, an interest in how people think and behave and the ability to relate to a wide range of people.You'll need to be a patient, sympathetic and the ability to work on your own and in consultation with others.
    Some psychologists decide to do into management and lead a team of professionals. You could decide to go into clinical academic research to support the development of the profession.You could also apply for a trainee high intensity therapist position, enabling you to work under the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies initiative.
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