Compare roles in health

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  1. Child and adolescent psychotherapist

    Child and adolescent psychotherapists (CAPT) work with children and young people aged up to 25 and their families and carers to assess and treat a wide range of psychological problems.

    To train as a child and adolescent psychotherapist, you need to complete a recognised pre-clinical course including psychoanalytic and child development theory and psychoanalytic observations of infants and young children. You will also need experience of working with children and adolescents.
    While you train, you will be paid at Agenda for Change Band 6, moving to a post at Band 7 after qualifying. You could develop to become a highly specialist clinician, consultant or take up teaching and management positions at Band 8a and above.
    You'll need a keen awareness of people and their behaviour, be able to relate to a wide range of people, be emotionally resilient and have a capacity for study and continued learning.
    In addition to community child and adolescent mental health services, you could work in inpatient units, looked after children teams, hospital teams for children with physical illness and disability, eating disorder services, perinatal and parent-infant services, schools, learning disability teams and forensic services. You could progress into a leadership, supervision or teaching role.
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