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  1. Public health knowledge and intelligence professional

    Public health knowledge and intelligence professionals help to provide information that's essential both for identifying issues that have a negative effect on people’s health, and for planning to deal with those issues.

    There is no standard national entry route into public health knowledge and intelligence roles, although there are various schemes and training programmes, mostly at regional level within the NHS and with Public Health England. Apprenticeships are available in health informatics, intelligence analysis and libraries, archives, records and information management services.
    Your working hours are likely to vary depending on the employer and nature of the work. For example, working hours may generally be from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday but there may be variations to this which are determined by the individual employer or by events, conferences etc.
    As a knowledge and intelligence professional you'll need a range of skills which include an interest in data and attention to detail, for example, in collecting, analysing and interpreting data and being able to present information in easy to understand ways. You should also have well developed IT skills, be a good communicator and enjoy working both on your own initiative as well as part of a team.
    You might start out as an assistant librarian, and progress to librarian, head librarian or into a managerial role. Or, you might start out as an analyst and progress to a more senior position, such as senior analyst, statistician, public health principal or head of intelligence.
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