Return to general practice nursing
We are returning GP nurses. We are the NHS. If you are thinking of coming back to nursing, you're in the right place.
If you have been out of nursing for awhile, you may have to do a return to practice course. The course for general practice nursing includes elements of the wider return to practice nursing programme with placements in general practice so may suit nurses with an interest in returning to a job in the community rather than a hospital.
Financial support
NHS Health Education England will pay for your course and placement fees. You'll also be given £1,000 for childcare, travel and book costs. You'll also have support from a mentor and practice facilitator from your university.
Open to any previously registered nurse
You don't need to have had previous experience of working in general practice to apply for a course so it is open to all. If you were a general practice nurse, you can also come back through this route.
Information on return to general practice nursing courses in your region are available at the links below:
In the East of England and the South East there aren't currently any Return to general practice nursing courses. However, support is available for nurses in these areas who are interested in returning to a job in general practice.
You should contact the universities running the RTP nursing programmes or contact [email protected] if you are in the East of England or [email protected] if you are in the South East.
Frequently asked questions
Still have questions that need answering? Make sure to read our frequently asked questions or contact us.