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  1. Education mental health practitioner

    Education mental health practitioners (EMHPs) work across education and healthcare to provide mental health support for children and young people in schools and colleges.

    A 12-month university course combining academic theory, self-study and work-based placements. Training open to applicants with a range of experience of working in mental health and with children and young people in schools.
    Training is funded at the equivalent of Agenda for Change Band 4. Once qualified, you'll be guaranteed a job as part of a mental health support team, working in a school or college.
    Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to build relationships with a range of people; working within a multidisciplinary team; good understanding of mental health issues; strong written and verbal communication skills; able to work independently and use initiative in challenging situations; and knowledge of the school and education system.
    With experience, you can undertake training to become an EMHP supervisor.
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