Entry requirements, skills and interests (analytical toxicology)

There are two entry points into analytical toxicology

Entry requirements

There are currently two entry points into this area of healthcare science:

  1. To enter as a clinical scientist through the NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP), you must have a 1st or 2.1 either in an undergraduate honours degree or an integrated master’s degree in a pure or applied science subject relevant to the specialism for which you are applying.

    If you have a 2.2 honours degree or better in any subject, you will also be considered if you have a higher degree* that is relevant to the specialism for which you are applying.

    (*Higher degree as defined on page 17 of The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies Please note this does not include postgraduate diplomas or postgraduate certificates.)

    Because of the extensive variation in degrees available it isn’t possible to provide a definitive list of relevant degrees for entry to the STP. You need to be sure that you’ve reviewed the job description and person specification for the training (on the National School of Healthcare Science’s website), and the information on this page. You then need to be sure to match the skills and knowledge required to the content of your degree and the specialism you wish to apply for. For STP positions in the life sciences (which include analytical toxicology), the most commonly accepted degrees will be in biomedical sciences, biology, microbiology, genetics or biochemistry. 

For all candidates, evidence of research experience (e.g. in the form of a higher degree or equivalent evidence of scientific and academic capability) is considered desirable.

For full details of entry requirements for the STP, including qualifications, scientific skills, transferable skills and physical requirements, please see the person specification on the National School of Healthcare Science’s website.

       2. With experience as a registered clinical scientist, through Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST)

Some experience of working in a relevant environment could be advantageous before applying for a place on a course or job vacancy. You should always check with the course provider or employer to see what sort of experience is preferred or required.

Find out more about the training you’ll receive and registration for a career in analytical toxicology

  • To work in analytical toxicology you’ll need:

    • An interest in science and technology – a good academic background and an ability to update and test your knowledge against experience
    • Good communication skills - to be able to liaise with the healthcare team and also to advise and reassure patients
    • To be comfortable using modern technology and complex equipment
    • Meticulous attention to detail - to produce highly accurate work even when under pressure
    • Good interpersonal skills - you may have direct contact with patients and you must respect their privacy, be sympathetic and have a friendly and professional attitude towards them
    • To be able to work as part of a team

    You may have responsibility for staff, budgets, or equipment so good leadership skills and the ability use your initiative are important. In very senior roles related to health protection, you may be advising senior healthcare and public health professionals on the causes, investigation and management of an outbreak of poisoning.

    If you're applying for a healthcare science role or training position either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services you'll be asked to show how you think the NHS values apply in your everyday work.

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