Agenda for change - pay rates

The following is a guide only to NHS Terms and Conditions of Service (Agenda for Change) pay rates from April 2024. 

This pay system covers all staff except doctors, dentists and very senior managers. Each of the nine pay bands has a number of pay points. Staff will normally progress to the next pay band after the required number of years until they reach the top of the pay band. In addition to basic pay, there is also extra pay for staff who work in high cost areas such as around London.

Band 1 (Please note that following the 2018 pay deal, band 1 closed to new entrants from 1 December 2018). 


Examples of roles at band 1 - domestic support workerhousekeeping assistant, driver and nursery assistant.

Band 2

< 2 years' experience £23,615

2+ years                     £23,615

Examples of roles at band 2 - domestic support workerhousekeeping assistant, drivernursery assistantdomestic team leadersecurity officersecretary/typist and healthcare assistant.

Band 3

<2 years' experience  £24,071
2+ years                     £25,674

Examples of roles at band 3-  emergency care assistant, trainee clinical coder and occupational therapy support worker.

Band 4

< 3 years' experience  £26,530
3+ years                      £29,114

Examples of roles at band 4 - assistant practitioneraudio visual technicianpharmacy techniciandental nurse and trainee psychological wellbeing practitioner.

Band 5 

<2 years' experience    £29,970
2-4 years                      £32,324
4+ years                       £36,483

Examples of roles at band 5 -  ICT test analyst and many newly qualified clinical professionals such as nurseoperating department practitioner (ODP), podiatrist and therapeutic radiographer

Band 6

<2 years' experience    £37,338
2-5 years                      £39,405
5+ years                       £44,962

Examples of roles at band 6 - school nurse, experienced paramedicestates officerhealth records manager and clinical psychology trainee.

Band 7

<2 years' experience     £46,148
2-5 years                       £48,526
5+ years                        £52,809

Examples of roles at band 7 - communications managerestates managerhigh intensity therapist and advanced speech and language therapist.

Band 8a

< 2 years' experience     £53,755
2-5 years                        £56,454
5+ years                         £60,504

Examples of roles at band 8a - consultant prosthetist/orthotistdental laboratory manager, project and programme managementmodern matron (nursing) and nurse consultant (mental health nursing).

Band 8b

< 2 years' experience      £62,215
2-5 years                         £66,246
5+ years                          £72,293

Examples of roles at band 8b - strategic management, head of education and training, clinical physiology service manager and head orthoptist.

Band 8c

<2 years' experience       £74,290
2-5 years                         £78,814
5+ years                          £85,601

Examples of roles at band 8c - head of human resources, consultant clinical scientist (molecular genetics/cytogenetics) and consultant paramedic.

Band 8d

<2 years' experience       £88,168
2-5 years                         £93,572
5+ years                          £101,677

Examples of roles at band 8d include consultant psychologist (8c-8d), estates manager, chief nurse and chief finance manager.

Band 9

<2 years' experience      £105,385
2-5 years                        £111,740
5+ years                         £121,271

Examples of roles at band 9 include podiatric consultant (surgery), chief finance manager and director of estates and facilities.

High cost area supplements

Area Level (1 April 2024)
Inner London 20% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £5,414 and a maximum payment of £8,172
Outer London 15% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £4,551 and a maximum payment of £5,735

5% of basic salary, subject to a minimum payment of £1,258 and a maximum payment of £2,122

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