Entry requirements, skills and interests (communications and corporate affairs management )
Requirements will vary depending on the post. You're likely to need professional qualifications for more senior managerial posts.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements will vary depending upon the post, although specialist communications or marketing experience will usually be essential. Some staff may enter this role with a background in journalism.
Some trusts may offer the chance to train through an apprenticeship in marketing and communications.
Advertisements for more senior roles may specify the need for a professional qualification (eg in public relations or marketing), or a certain number of years of PR/communications experience.
The skills and qualifications needed vary according to the type of post. However, typically, the following skills would be necessary for a manager in a communications-related role:
resilience and common sense
ability to work equally well both on your own and within a team
ability to write, speak and brief others clearly
ability to assess and select appropriate communications routes for different messages and audiences
ability to remain calm under pressure
ability to recognise sensitive situations and act appropriately
negotiating and influencing skills
ability to work well with others at all levels both within and outside your organisation
ability to gain the trust and respect of senior colleagues
ability to provide creative input to projects (such as exhibitions or design/print projects)
ability to think strategically.
If you're applying for a role either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services you'll be asked to show how you think the NHS values apply in your everyday work.
This form is for you to tell us about something that could be improved about the website or if there's anything wrong, incorrect or inaccurate with what you see.
If you have a query about a career in the NHS, please visit our contact us page and call or email us.